Since 2016, the primary feature of the Rainbow PUSH Sports platform has been its SPORTSTECH 2020 Program. Rainbow Push Sports in junction with PUSHTECH 2020 has created the SPORTSTECH initiative to present the creative synergy of Sports and Technology. The platform features professional athletes who are involved in the tech industry, technological advances that are impacting and improving the world of sports, and opportunities for engagement and employment connected to Sports and Technology. The student compenent of SPORTSTECH combines a suite of hands on, interactive, S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics) -based activities, all designed to create a one-of-a-kind experience. Groups consist of fast-paced activities, competitions and hands on workshops designing robotics, drones, video games, websites and other applications. The goal of these activities is for students to increase their enthusiasm about the power of technology, elevate their abilities within tech, expand their knowledge and expose them to new possibilities. The students also engage with professional athletes encouraging them to maximize their skills in tech as a way to participate in the world of sports as well as a future path to career success.